Book your place at 'The Successful Therapist Masterclass' where I will be sharing with you step by step, the best ways to get BUSY FAST, using the cheapest, easiest, sustainable and ethical strategies.
Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th April - Park Plaza Hotel, Park Royal, London
Subscriber Price: £97
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Why should I attend The Successful Therapist Masterclass?
“Can I earn a living as a Therapist, Coach or Trainer?”
Many newly qualified Therapists and coaches as well as experienced ones, have excellent skills that can help people with the physical, emotional or life problems that they face, but have not been trained in how to reach these people, or how to nurture and build a business.
It is also a common misconception that you need to spend large amounts of money to advertise your services in order to get clients.
The all too common result is that Therapists often have to get a day-job in order to make ends meet, and are only able to practice part-time. Some even give up all together!
The outcome? Less people get the help that they need and you end up wasting your skills. As someone who spent 35 years mired in Anxiety and Depression, because I didn't realise help was available, I am determined to help change that.
“The Clients are out there, in trouble, and we can use our time to help them if we allow ourselves to earn an income that lets us do this.”
I started out the same way. I tried everything and spent lots of money doing so. But I tracked everything I did and compared success rates. I simply carried on doing what worked. I have now gone from wondering where my next client was coming from, to being booked out year-round with a month's waiting list.
None of this happened by luck. Over the two days of this seminar, I will be sharing with you, my plans, secrets, strategies and systems to help you build success for yourself. This doesn't require you to be a rocket scientist either, I am nothing special! These are all easy-to-use ways that worked for me, are continuing to work for many therapists and coaches and can work for you too.
I know that you are thinking - “but will enough people pay for help? How can I find enough clients? How do I run a business!”
Only by accident, did I finally get the help I needed. How much better would my life have been if someone with the right skills had managed to reach me? There are more people out there in need of help, then any of us can possibly assist. Your skills have value, you should allow that value to be realised. By building a successful, sustainable business you are actually helping more people. Make it about them and your business will grow.
“Success is rarely random, and fear can hold us back.”
In this 2-day Seminar, we will cover:
- The practical side of running a therapy business – expenses, VAT, where to work etc.
- Our relationship with money – what's a fair fee, being sustainable, earning a living.
- How to find your ideal clients.
- The psychology to connect with them.
- Where to put your message – advertising on and offline.
- How to select the best outlets for you – newspapers, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube etc. -which can help you most.
- How to campaign and be successful.
- Ways to ethically earn a larger income.
- And more.
You will learn how to:
- Craft your Message in a way that Connects with people on multiple platforms
- Use different media (Video etc.) to get your message out
- Use advertising in the most budget-effective way
- Value your Time better and more efficiently
Over the last 5 years I've learned a lot, tested a lot, and seen what works for scores of therapists. Over 1000 therapists and coaches worldwide have taken my training and that's given me a lot of feedback on what works best across the board.
This seminar is that knowledge, broken down into easy to use chunks, to let you be more successful and see a lot more people get help.
This is the motherload – everything I have learned distilled into systems that you will find easy to follow and implement straight away.
If you want to help more, reach more and be more, click the button below, now!
OR use Paypal below
“Very helpful and informative in a clear concise manner. Easy to follow and food for thought. Feel more energised and motivated to make changes. 'Change is easier than you think!'”
Caroline Cunniffe – Zumba and Fitness Instructor.
“This has been a most empowering and inspiring day and has given me the confidence to start my professional career in holistic healing.”
Michelle O’Neill
“Excellent workshop. Really impressed upon me, the importance of getting myself out there. A very big emphasis on helping people as opposed to focusing just on the money. Excellent, practical advice.
“John explains some very powerful techniques in a very clear and easy to understand way. I will certainly be putting these methods to work ASAP.”>
Shane Donohoe
“John is an elegant, eloquent trainer. The content of this seminar was relevant, useful and will be easy to implement following John's step by step instructions. I look forward to reporting great things as a result!”
Orla Finlayson
John Prendergast is an Award-winning Success Coach and full-time Psycho-Trauma/Anxiety Therapist.
He is also the founder of Therapy and Coaching Success that specialises in helping Therapists, Coaches and other wellness practitioners, connect with those in need, build their diaries and earn the income they need.
Hear Steven explain how he tripled his client numbers in just 10 weeks using Facebook.
Delivers Live Webinars followed in 6 continents
Provides One-to-One Coaching Internationally via Skype as well as in person
Keynote and Guest Speaker for Wellness and Mental Health Organisations and Associations
Provides training for Therapy Organisations and Institutes
Delivered Booked-out Business Clinics at International Expos and Wellness Trade Shows