It’s November. A frustrating time for therapists and coaches because people start dropping out and the number of no-shows increases as people get obsessed with Christmas.
It’s bizarre how much turmoil one day makes. For weeks in advance people panic and begin to stop taking care of themselves. That leaves the Therapist with more empty slots but still paying the rent, and trying to keep their roof over their heads.
Unless we know how to stay busy year-round, this is the situation so many of us face. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. For my first couple of years as a therapist and coach, I saw more gaps in my diary in November and December, which really was the worst time for it. Christmas was just around the corner which would see time off in which there would be zero income as well as all the festive expense!
Those were tough times. Worry in my gut, struggling to balance the payments for office rent, keeping my own roof over my head, worrying about how many presents I could afford to buy. I was blessed with a lot of good friends and family who I wanted to include, but that brought more money pressure.
What was the real problem I had? When I sat down with it, it wasn’t that I didn’t have enough clients so much as I didn’t know how to reach clients in a way that meant I’d be booked out. That took some time and effort to work out but I got there.
These days I have the same number of bookings each week in November and December. The big difference was, I worked out how to educate and reach people who need my help about what it is I can do. Never sell therapy. That’s key. Educate and inform and the right people can choose you.
What I found best for this is Facebook. It was cheaper and better than my local newspapers, radio, twitter, linkedin, and more. This is where people spend their time. Respect them and their time by not selling, but giving value and information that lets them become aware of you and what you do, and life can get much better for all involved.
If you’d like to sign up for 3 FREE training videos on how to do this on Facebook just go to
There you’ll get amazing training for FREE, showing you my most successful ways to help others – which also let me pay my mortgage, support my family, and make a positive difference to so many people.
Keep sharing your help!