Starting to help people on a larger scale usually means having to set up some sort of a business to support those efforts. Most commonly it’s very a very simple to do soletrader. But often people pause at the name. Should I use my own name or develop a business name?

Here’s a short video with some advice on what the evidence shows to be best. As always it needs to be about helping more people and then earning a better income. Those who go for that win for the person in need and then a win for themselves tend to be the ones who keep going and end up helping many many more people as a result.

The bad news is that if we hold back from putting ourselves out there by let people know what we do people will keep suffering, if they don’t know that help is available.
Please keep sharing your help.

If you want some help getting your message out to those in need feel free to sign up for 3 FREE training videos showing you how I keep a waiting list and get to help people year round on less than an hour a week spent putting the word out:

Every best wish for success,

John Prendergast,
A happily booked-out therapist.

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