You can compound the impact your message makes by doing a few simple things.

 Refer to your media presence in your media presence. Your Facebook links to your Blog, your Blog has links to your Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter (if you’re using it). Your Twitter points to your Blog, your LinkedIn points to your Blog. Drive traffic to your Blog on your website and everyone comes to where they can see what you do, where you do it, how much you charge (I recommend prices on your site – be honest, be open, be confident), and where they can find your full contact details. This greatly increases action by the client who needs your help.

 Consistent look and feel: Same colour scheme, similar or same picture, and same font type across your messages. Print media, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Linkedin, etc. (And if you’re using them all the odds are you’re not driving a plan, you’re just over-worrying about being seen on Social Media) should all have the same recognisable look and feel. Some of the same imagery, the same font size, same tagline. If you use a logo other than your company name/your name, keep it simple and eye-catching.

 Be consistent in your message. Speak about your core issues / services most of the time. Don’t cast about for every option in the marketplace or you’ll look like an unfocused loon. Pick 1-3 key things you want to do. Promote them. People can find more options on your website, but keep your Media Presence on target for what you want to do most of. You’ll build recognition as an authority on those areas and people will come to you for other things too, but you’ll build business in the field you can make the greatest contribution in.

 If you have skills to help people, get them out there where they can be seen. What will let you help more people? Do more of that!

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