This is why it matters that we get our help out there!
I hope this helps you to get your message out there!
If you want help with that, check out the great training below!
Great Training Every Month!
Delivered Monthly, you get huge value training at a tiny price. The first 12 months of this ongoing training includes courses and modules that, if you bought them individually, would cost over €1,200. In this program you get it all for just €19.50 a month.
There’s no contract and you can leave any time you want. I’m confident in the value I’m delivering in this. Check out the first 6 months training in detail below to give you an idea how much you will get!
Month 1 – How to get your Biography Right and how to get it working to bring in clients.
Your bio is not about you. It’s ideally about how your life experience, training, and ability can help others!
This complete 3 part course (Which as a stand alone training, sells for €197 outside this program) coaches you through the options and helps you build step by step, your biography into a tool that helps people understand and choose you and your help.
You’ll learn the psychology of connection within this context, and the value of different bio types,
I will also help you to get past the feeling of ‘There’s nothing special about me’ or ‘What should I say?’.
Month 2 – Business cards; how to get results.
Most people get cards made up, few create them as tools to help reach clients and support them into choosing our help.
In this training, I show you how to create the ideal card to reach your ideal client. Most therapists and coaches are shocked when they look at their cards with the eyes of the person in need and whether they would know if the therapist/coach could help them based on their card. Let’s get it right from the start!
Month 3 – Testimonials.
Testimonials are something I took a long time to get comfortable with. Using a testimonial can make it much easier for someone suffering to have hope and to reach out for help.
In this training, I show you how to ethically get testimonials, the different types of testimonials, and how best to use them.
Without question testimonials are one of the strongest opportunities we have to help more people.
Month 4 – Newspaper advertising made easy.
Using newspapers made my clinic at the start, but only when I worked out what does and what doesn’t work.
In this training I’ll show you what sort of adverts work, what space within newspapers delivers most results, and how to avoid the pitfalls and save money with newspapers.
Month 5 – Getting the Price Right.
Unless we charge enough to live on, we have to stop and get a different job.
Understanding how to select the right fair fee and make sure it will support your business, is vital to continuing to be a therapist or coach. Yet it is something most of us struggle with.
In this training, we look at how to get comfortable around money and realise that it’s a two way street. If we give all the time without a fair exchange back to us, we burn out.
Month 6 – Flyers and tri-fold brochures, how to get best results.
Getting the message right is more important than look, but most are overly concerned with how nice the flyer is over the more important question: ‘what will prompt a client to act from this info?’
This step by step training, takes you through how to create the right message and present it for best results and where to put your flyers for best results.
Other topics covered month by month include:
How to get referrals.
Building ethically larger incomes.
Webinars & Facebook live.
How to fill a room for classes, workshops, and seminars.
Your relationship with money.
Press releases, launches, and PR.
Your elevator pitch.
Using Linkedin
Posters for best results
and a lot more…
You can leave any time you like, no contract or any ties. Use what helps you reach and help more clients.
Please keep sharing your help,