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Great Training Every Month! Delivered Monthly, you get huge value training at a tiny price. The f
Masterclass Dublin
Join me at 'The Successful Therapist Masterclass' where I will be sharing with you step by step,...
Your Bio 3-part Course
Great 3-part Training on how to get Your Biography Right! Delivered immediately upon joining, you...
Training Programs
One to One Training Good training is not only about helping you develop skills and strategies that...


Client Sessions from a single Facebook campaign
Income from a single video
Income working 3 days a week
% increase in clients in 10 weeks

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We’re facing a Mental Health Tsunami
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The stresses and extra pressure of Covid-19 are certainly a big part of it, but I’m seeing a huge underswell of people facing up to their existing issues in
The constant rushing from one thing to the next has been interrupted
April 7, 2020
Before, when we were racing from work to hobby to home, it was easy to keep ourselves too busy and distracted to live with any true intention. I wrote about...
“I have found it tough going to get clients…”
March 6, 2020
Recently, a Play therapist asked me a few questions on LinkedIn, starting with that line. I know a lot of people are in a similar place so here are some ans...
It’s time to start building for a busy September
July 24, 2019
Particularly in the Northern Hemisphere, in September, kids go back to school and parents have more time to think about themselves. People start thinking ab...

Contact Us

  • Contact us on the details given below

  • Address: Athlone Therapy Centre, Monksland, Athlone, Roscommon, Ireland
  • Phone: +353 (0)85 1313 700
  • Email: